Metrology Informationen FSI Rostest
Measurements and measures to assure their uniformity and accuracy are united under one conception “Metrological assurance ” which is traditionally defined as activity for
establishing and using scientific and organizational bases of technical means, rules and norms for achievement of uniformity and required accuracy
of different ways to define values of physical quantities.
Uniformity of measurements as one of components of Metrological Assurance is such a state of measurements
at which the results are expressed in legalized units and errors of measurements are known with certain probability. Uniformity of measurements is necessary in order to collate the results of
measurements made
in different places at different time with usage of various methods and means of measurements.
Rostest-Moscow is a territorial body of State metrological service (BSMS)
Rostest-Moscow has been accredited as State Center of tests (SCMM)
The laboratories of BSMS are dealing with calibration and tests of means of measurements ( MM),
certification of testing equipment (TE) .
Medicine, environment protection and assurance of labour safety, scientific research and production, transport and communication, geodesy and hydrometeorology , trade and
finance. There is no type of activity where measurements would not have a decisive meaning. Their accuracy and comparison are assured by metrologists. Similarly as we check our watch against
signals of the exact time, billions of means of measurements check
their step against measurement standards.
Technical and stuff potential of Rostest-Moscow makes it possible to perform metrological assurance
practically of all types of means of measurement of domestic as well as import products used for:
- manufacture and tests of industrial products and foodstuffsdetermination of harmful factor
parameters ( vibration, noise etc.)
- diagnostics and non-distruction control , determination of thermo- physical characteristics
of construction materials and building elements
- calculation of water resources in the systems of cold and hot water supply and draining systems,
heat energy and quantity of heat bearer in water and steam systems of heat supply of open and
closed type, liquid and gaseous oil products in the process of transportation, storage and selling
- calculation of consumption of electricity and gas
Purposes and tasks of metrological assurance and uniformity of measurements are determined by
legislative and normative documents and by necessity of further consolidation of position of BSMS
“Rostest-Moscow” in the field of:
- uniformity and confidence of measurements
- calibration and tests of means of measurements in the Health Service
- protection of
consumer’s rights
- safety of goods and services
- environment
- labour
- calculation and consumption control of energy resources
(realization of the Federal Law “About energy saving”)
- metrological assurance of tests and product quality.
Main directions of activity of Rostest (State Metrological Service)
- maintenance and storage of reference standards
- forecasts,
conceptions, programs
- tests of means of measurements, metrological certification of standard samples
- verification of MM
from utilization
- verification of MM from new production
- repair of MM with subsequent verification
- tests of MM for pattern approval
- mandatory certification of MM on compliance to safety requirements
- accreditation of metrological services of legal persons to have the right of
verification and calibration and inspection control
- metrological
certification of testing equipment
- training and upgrading of the specialists