EAC-Declaration for export to the Customs Union

Since 15.03.2015 the TR-CU- resp. EAC-Declaration replaces the previous TR- resp. Gost-R-Declarations.
It is necessary for import to the Customs Union.

TR = Technical Regulation 

CU = Customs Union
EAC = EurAsian Community

Unlike previous Declarations, which were valid only in Russia, an EAC-Declaration is valid in all countries of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan).

New from 2021: 

Certification Bodies will no longer be allowed to register EAC-Declarations of Conformity!

The whole process has to be done by the Applicant directly. The Applicant/Certificate-holder always must be a Russian or Customs Union legal entity (e.g. importers, local offices of foreign companies etc.) with official registration.  


The certification-process however is quite complicated and therefore the assistance of the Certification Body is still required and necessary. Our Russian partner-company has an own company that is acting as Applicant/Certificate-holder (for certifications with validity of several years/serial certifications)!


We would like to explain the certification-procedure as follows:

The Applicant/Certificate-holder has to apply for an electronic key signature, register themselves, create a profile in FSA (Federal Service on Accreditation) and get encrypting tokens. This takes several weeks and it has to be done only once.


Of course, the Applicant bears the complete responsibility for the completeness of all prepared documents. So the Applicant should have an employee who can read the norms and regulations, selects the appropriate norms, finds a testing laboratory, gets test-reports etc.  Besides, the registration of an EAC-Declaration is quite complicated.


All these things can be done by us together with our Russian partner-company acting as Applicant/Certificate-holder (for serial certifications)!



The certified products have to be provided with the EAC-Sign. Further information you can find in chapter
“EAC-Sign Information”.

Like before, there is the possibility to issue EAC-Declarations for contract-based resp. 1-lot deliveries or also with a validity of 1 – 5 years.

Unlike EAC-Certificates, the EAC-Declarations often can be issued without company-visit or sample-tests if the documentation is sufficient and already existing (factory-) test-reports can be used. But sometimes sample-tests by an accredited Russian laboratory can be required.

The Declaration is issued on a normal white paper and has to be signed by the Russian applicant/certificate-holder. A Declaration just like a Certificate will be registered at the responsible Russian Authorities and it
has the same validity and legal force than an EAC-Certificate.

We gladly make you a non-binding offer, according to your products and wishes.

For an offer we need the following data in order to check if you need a Declaration or Certificate:
Are you producer and/or exporter?
In which Declaration are you interested (1-lot or serial)?
Productlist in Englisch with customs-codes
English datasheets of the products
Evtl. copies of already existing certificates/declarations, test-reports etc.
Copy of the contract for the delivery (only for 1-lot Declaration)